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addError(String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Add an error to the results
addListener(String, int) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpServer
Add the given IP address/hostname and port number to the listeners.
address - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.Listen
The IP address to listen on
addValidator(String, String, boolean) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorManager
Adds the Validator for the given file to the list of entries for the given keyword.
addValidator(String, String, DocumentValidator) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorManager
Add a pre-initialized validator for a given (potentially fake) filename
addWarning(String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Add a warning to the results
applyConfig(ConfigData) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorManager
Apply the given configuration data.
autoReload - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData
If set to true, the ValidatorManager will automatically reload validation files when they have changed on disk


column - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResultItem
The column in the source document where the test failed.
CommandLineValidator - Class in net.ionite.docval.commandline
Stand-alone command-line validation tool.
CommandLineValidator(String[]) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.commandline.CommandLineValidator
Construct an CommandLineValidator with the given command-line arguments
ConfigData - Class in net.ionite.docval.config
Configuration data class, for the several components of ion-docval
ConfigData() - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData
Constructor for an empty ConfigData instance
ConfigData.DocumentType - Class in net.ionite.docval.config
Document type information for the validator.
ConfigData.Listen - Class in net.ionite.docval.config
Listen options for the server configuration
ConfigData.Server - Class in net.ionite.docval.config
Server configuration
ConfigData.UnknownKeywords - Enum in net.ionite.docval.config
Defines the way to handle unknown keywords
ConfigReader - Class in net.ionite.docval.config
Reads a configuration file, into a ConfigData object.

ConfigReader(String) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigReader
Constructor for the configuration file reader
ConfigurationError - Exception in net.ionite.docval.config
Thrown when there is an error reading the configuration file
ConfigurationError(String) - Constructor for exception net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigurationError
Construct a ConfigurationError with the given error message
ConfigurationError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigurationError
Construct a ConfigurationError with the given error message and underlying exception


deriveKeyword(byte[]) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.xml.KeywordDeriver
Derive the keyword from the given InputStream
deriveKeyword(InputStream) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.xml.KeywordDeriver
Derive the keyword from the given InputStream
description - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.DocumentType
A description of this document type.
DocumentType() - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.DocumentType
Constructor for DocumentType options
documentTypes - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData
The document types that are configured to be validated
documentTypesAsJSON() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData
Serialize the document types configured in this ConfigData as a JSON object
documentTypesAsJSONString() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData
Serialize the document types configured in this ConfigData as a JSON string
documentTypesAsXMLString() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData
Serialize the document types configured in this ConfigData instance as an XML string
DocumentValidator - Interface in net.ionite.docval.validation.validator
Interface for document validator implementation classes.
DocValClientException - Exception in net.ionite.docval.server
Exception thrown when there is an error in the ion-docval client.
DocValClientException(String) - Constructor for exception net.ionite.docval.server.DocValClientException
Construct the error with the given message
DocValClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.ionite.docval.server.DocValClientException
Construct the error with the given message and base error
DocValHttpClient - Class in net.ionite.docval.server
A client to the ion-docval server
DocValHttpClient() - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpClient
Construct a client with a default server URI: http://localhost:35791/api/validate
DocValHttpClient(String) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpClient
Construct a client with the given server URI
DocValHttpClientMain - Class in net.ionite.docval.server
Main class of the command-line client for the HTTP server validator.
DocValHttpClientMain() - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpClientMain
DocValHttpServer - Class in net.ionite.docval.server
HTTP Server for bulk- or continuous validation.
DocValHttpServer(String) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpServer
Initialize a server with the configuration in the given configuration file.
DocValHttpServer(ConfigData) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpServer
Initialize a server with the configuration in the given configuration data.
DocValHttpServer(ValidatorManager) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpServer
Initialize a server with a validator manager initialized by the caller.
DocValHttpServerMain - Class in net.ionite.docval.server
Main class of the HTTP server validator,
DocValHttpServerMain() - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpServerMain


error(TransformerException) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.xml.IgnoreErrorHandler
ERROR - net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.UnknownKeywords
Process as usual, but add a error to the ValidationResult
errorCount() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Returns the number of errors


FAIL - net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.UnknownKeywords
Fail with a ValidatorException
fatalError(TransformerException) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.xml.IgnoreErrorHandler
fromJSON(JSONObject) - Static method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Deserialize the validation result object from the given JSON data
fromJSONString(String) - Static method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Deserialize the validation result object from the given JSON string


getErrors() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Returns the list of error items
getValidator(String) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorManager
Returns the DocumentValidator instance for the given filename If not loaded yet, tries to load it.
getValidatorsForKeyword(String) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorManager
Return the validators for the given keyword
getWarnings() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Returns the list of warning items


halt(int) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpServer
Stop the server
hasValidatorsForKeyword(String) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorManager
Check whether there are validators for the given keyword


IGNORE - net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.UnknownKeywords
Ignore the document without any errors or warnings
IgnoreErrorHandler - Class in net.ionite.docval.xml
Make the transformer silent on errors (these are handled through the exception that is thrown
IgnoreErrorHandler() - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.xml.IgnoreErrorHandler


keyword - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.DocumentType
The keyword that is used to match a given document to a set of validation files In principle, the keyword can be any unique value, as set by the caller of the validator.
KeywordDeriver - Class in net.ionite.docval.xml
Derives a keyword from a given XML file.
KeywordDeriver() - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.xml.KeywordDeriver


lazyLoad - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData
If set to true, validation files are not loaded until the first time they are accessed though cursory checks (existence, read access) are performed
line - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResultItem
The line in the source document where the test failed.
listen - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.Server
The listen options, one entry for each address/port combination
Listen(String, int) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.Listen
Constructor for the Listen options
loadConfigFile() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpServer
(Re)load the validation part of the configuration file used in the initializer (if any).

Note that this does *not* reconfigure or re-initialize the listeners specified in the configuration.
loadTransformer(InputStream) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSLTValidator
Load the transformer in the given input stream.
location - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResultItem
The location of the warning or error, e.g.
logger - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSLTValidator
General Logger instance


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.ionite.docval.commandline.CommandLineValidator
Parse the command-line arguments and execute the validation.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpClientMain
Parse the command-line arguments and pass the given document to the server for validation.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpServerMain
Parse the command line arguments and run the server
Exit code is non-zero if there is an error.
message - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResultItem
The message of the warning or error


name - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.DocumentType
The (short) name for this document type, such as "SI-UBL 2.0" or "Peppol BIS 3 Invoice"
net.ionite.docval.commandline - package net.ionite.docval.commandline
Stand-alone command-line validation tool
net.ionite.docval.config - package net.ionite.docval.config
Configuration reader and configuration data classes
net.ionite.docval.server - package net.ionite.docval.server
Server (HTTP) and client for bulk- or continuous validation
net.ionite.docval.validation - package net.ionite.docval.validation
Validation implementation, manager, and result classes
net.ionite.docval.validation.result - package net.ionite.docval.validation.result
Classes that hold validation result data
net.ionite.docval.validation.validator - package net.ionite.docval.validation.validator
Classes that perform the several kinds of validation
net.ionite.docval.xml - package net.ionite.docval.xml
Utility classes for specific operations on XML files


port - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.Listen
The port number to listen on


readConfig() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigReader
Read the configuration file set in the constructor.
reload() - Method in interface net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.DocumentValidator
Reload the underlying validation file
reload() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSDValidator
Reload the XSD file this validator was initialized with.
reload() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSLTValidator
Reload the XSLT file this validator was initialized with.
run() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.commandline.CommandLineValidator
Execute the validation


SCHValidator - Class in net.ionite.docval.validation.validator
The standard validator for SCH (Schematron) files This is an extension of the XSLTValidator, where the provided sch file is converted to the .xslt file in-place.
SCHValidator(InputStream) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.SCHValidator
Constructor for a Schematron validator from an input stream
SCHValidator(String) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.SCHValidator
Constructor for a Schematron validator from a .sch file
server - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData
Validation server configuration
Server() - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.Server
Constructor for the Server options
setAutoReload(boolean) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorManager
Enable or disable autoreload.
setUnknownKeywords(ConfigData.UnknownKeywords) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorManager
Set the way the validator manager should handle requests for unknown keywords.
The keyword specifies which validation(s) to run, and can be derived automatically from documents.
setupTransformer() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.SCHValidator
Override the initialization in the parent class This implementation loads the given schematron, and converts it to an SVRL stylesheet, using the default skeleton implementation as published on the schematron website.
setupTransformer() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSLTValidator
Initialize the Saxon Transformer
setValidatorManager(ValidatorManager) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpServer
Replace the validator manager with the given one
start() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpServer
Start the server on all the configured listeners


test - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResultItem
The failed test, can be an XPath expression or a general String, such as "XML Schema"
toJSON() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Serialize this ValidationResult to JSON
toJSON() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResultItem
Serialize this validation result item to a JSONObject
toJSON(boolean) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.DocumentType
Serialize this document type configuration as a JSON object
toJSONString() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Serialize this ValidationResult to JSON, and return the JSON as a String
toJSONString(boolean) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.DocumentType
Serialize this document type configuration as a JSON string
toXMLSaplingElement() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.DocumentType
Serialize this document type configuration as an XML Sapling
toXMLString() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Serialize this ValidatonResult to XML, and return the XML as a String


unknownKeywords - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData
If set to true, validation will not validate documents with an unknown keyword, but return 0 errors and a single warning


validate(byte[]) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpClient
Send the given XML document to the server for validation, using a keyword derived from the document (see KeywordDeriver for more information on keyword derivation).
validate(byte[]) - Method in interface net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.DocumentValidator
Validate the given XML source against the validation file and return a new ValidationResult instance
validate(byte[]) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSDValidator
Validate the given XML document, and return a new ValidationResult structure containing the validation results.
validate(byte[]) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSLTValidator
Validate the given XML document, and return a new ValidationResult structure containing the validation results.
validate(byte[], String) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.server.DocValHttpClient
Send the given XML document to the server for validation, using the given keyword.
validate(byte[], ValidationResult) - Method in interface net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.DocumentValidator
Validate the given XML source against the validation file, and add the errors and warnings to the given ValidationResult item.
validate(byte[], ValidationResult) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSDValidator
Validate the given XML document, and add the validation results to the given ValidationResult structure
validate(byte[], ValidationResult) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSLTValidator
Validate the given XML document, and add the validation results to the given ValidationResult structure
validate(String, byte[]) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorManager
Validate the given XML data for the given keyword.
validationFiles - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.DocumentType
The list of validation files to validate a document for this DocumentType against
ValidationResult - Class in net.ionite.docval.validation
Collects and serializes validation results.
ValidationResult() - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
ValidationResultItem - Class in net.ionite.docval.validation
Holds the data for a single validation warning or error.
ValidationResultItem(String, String, Integer, Integer, String) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResultItem
Constructor for the validation result item
ValidatorException - Exception in net.ionite.docval.validation
Exception that is thrown when validating documents fails due to an error, and the validator or validator manager cannot return a validation result.
ValidatorException(String) - Constructor for exception net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorException
Construct a ValidatorException with the given error message
ValidatorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorException
Construct a ConfigurationError with the given error message and underlying exception
ValidatorManager - Class in net.ionite.docval.validation
The validator manager holds any number of validators for a specific keyword, with an option to automatically reload the underlying validation definition (such as an xsd or xslt).
ValidatorManager() - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidatorManager
Construct a new ValidatorManager
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.UnknownKeywords
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.UnknownKeywords
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WARN - net.ionite.docval.config.ConfigData.UnknownKeywords
Process as usual, but add a warning to the ValidationResult
warning(TransformerException) - Method in class net.ionite.docval.xml.IgnoreErrorHandler
warningCount() - Method in class net.ionite.docval.validation.ValidationResult
Returns the number of warnings


XSDValidator - Class in net.ionite.docval.validation.validator
This class implements the DocumentValidor interface for XML Schema (XSD) validation.
XSDValidator(InputStream) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSDValidator
Construct an XSD Validator with the XML Schema definition provided in the given input stream.
XSDValidator(String) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSDValidator
Construct an XSD Validator with the given XML Schema definition (XSD) file.
XSLTValidator - Class in net.ionite.docval.validation.validator
This class implements the DocumentValidor interface for Schematron- XSLT validation files.
XSLTValidator(InputStream) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSLTValidator
Construct an Schematron XSLT Validator with the given input stream
XSLTValidator(String) - Constructor for class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSLTValidator
Construct an Schematron XSLT Validator with the given XSLT file.


_filename - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSLTValidator
The XSLT file created from a schematron definition, if this validator is initialized with a file.
_stream - Variable in class net.ionite.docval.validation.validator.XSLTValidator
The InputStream containing the XSLT created from a schematron definition, if this validator is initialized with an inputstream.
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