Class KeywordDeriver

  • public class KeywordDeriver
    extends Object
    Derives a keyword from a given XML file.

    This can be used instead of manually setting and using your own keywords for each document type. The derived value matches the way document ids are used in the Peppol SBDH, i.e. using the document identifier scheme busdox-docid-qns with a subtype based on the customization id and UBL version.

    The derivation works as follows:

    • If the document is UBL(2) or CII (D16B), the format is:
       <namespace>::<root element>##<document type>::<document type version>
    • For any other XML document with a namespace, the format is:
       <namespace>::<root element>
    • For any other XML document without a namespace, it is simply the root element name:
       <root element>
    The individual values are as follows:
    • namespace: The XML namespace of the XML document
    • root element: The tag name of the root element of the XML document
    • document type: either:
      • The value of the CustomizationID element, if the document is UBL
      • The value of <ReusableAggregateBusinessInformationEntity/ID>, if the document is CII
    • version, either:
      • The value of the UBLVersionID Element, if the document is UBL
      • "2.1" if the document is UBL (2), and no UBLVersionID element is present
      • "D16B" if the document is CII
    For example, a Peppol BIS 3 UBL Invoice document would have the following derived keyword:
    But a plain XML document, without a namespace, such as: <FooBar><Baz /></FooBar> would have the keyword:

    You can use the ion-docval-cli tool to generate a derived keyword for any given XML file (API: CommandLineValidator).

    • Constructor Detail

      • KeywordDeriver

        public KeywordDeriver()
    • Method Detail

      • deriveKeyword

        public String deriveKeyword​(byte[] source)
        Derive the keyword from the given InputStream
        source - The XML source to derive the keyword from
        a String with the keyword.
      • deriveKeyword

        public String deriveKeyword​(InputStream source)
        Derive the keyword from the given InputStream
        source - The XML source to derive the keyword from
        a String with the keyword.