Class XSLTValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class XSLTValidator
    extends Object
    implements DocumentValidator
    This class implements the DocumentValidor interface for Schematron- XSLT validation files. These are XSLT files that transform an input document to a document following the SVRL schema, and are generally distributed as the 'compiled' version of schematron files. Using these files is much faster than using .SCH files with the SCHValidator directly.
    • Field Detail

      • _filename

        protected String _filename
        The XSLT file created from a schematron definition, if this validator is initialized with a file. Null otherwise.
      • _stream

        protected InputStream _stream
        The InputStream containing the XSLT created from a schematron definition, if this validator is initialized with an inputstream. Null otherwise.
      • logger

        protected org.slf4j.Logger logger
        General Logger instance
    • Constructor Detail

      • XSLTValidator

        public XSLTValidator​(String filename)
        Construct an Schematron XSLT Validator with the given XSLT file.
        filename - The XSLT file created from a schematron definition
      • XSLTValidator

        public XSLTValidator​(InputStream stream)
        Construct an Schematron XSLT Validator with the given input stream
        stream - the InputStream containing the XSLT created from a schematron definition
    • Method Detail

      • reload

        public void reload()
        Reload the XSLT file this validator was initialized with.
        Specified by:
        reload in interface DocumentValidator
        ValidatorException - If there is an error reloading the file, or if this validator was initialized with an input stream.
      • validate

        public ValidationResult validate​(byte[] source)
                                  throws ValidatorException
        Validate the given XML document, and return a new ValidationResult structure containing the validation results.
        Specified by:
        validate in interface DocumentValidator
        source - Byte-array containing the XML document to validate
        A newly initialized ValidationResult containing the results of the validation
        ValidatorException - Thrown when there is an error performing the validation
      • validate

        public ValidationResult validate​(byte[] source,
                                         ValidationResult result)
                                  throws ValidatorException
        Validate the given XML document, and add the validation results to the given ValidationResult structure
        Specified by:
        validate in interface DocumentValidator
        source - Byte-array containing the XML document to validate
        result - The structure to add the validation results to
        The modified ValidationResult instance
        ValidatorException - Thrown when there is an error performing the validation
      • setupTransformer

        protected Transformer setupTransformer()
        Initialize the Saxon Transformer
      • loadTransformer

        protected Transformer loadTransformer​(InputStream inputStream)
        Load the transformer in the given input stream.
        inputStream - The input stream containing the XSLT
        ValidatorException - if the transformer cannot be initialized from the given stream data