Class ValidationResult

  • public class ValidationResult
    extends Object
    Collects and serializes validation results. This class holds results from validation, in the form of a list of errors and warnings Each ValidationResultItem contains a description, and, if known, a location (xpath), a line and column number, and the test that was performed.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ValidationResult

        public ValidationResult()
    • Method Detail

      • errorCount

        public int errorCount()
        Returns the number of errors
        The number of errors
      • warningCount

        public int warningCount()
        Returns the number of warnings
        The number of warnings
      • addError

        public void addError​(String message,
                             String location,
                             Integer line,
                             Integer column,
                             String test)
        Add an error to the results
        message - The error message
        location - The error location (an xpath), may be null
        line - The line number of the error, may be null
        column - The column of the error, may be null
        test - The test that failed (either an xpath expression or a general String)
      • addWarning

        public void addWarning​(String message,
                               String location,
                               Integer line,
                               Integer column,
                               String test)
        Add a warning to the results
        message - The error message
        location - The error location (an xpath), may be null
        line - The line number of the error, may be null
        column - The column of the error, may be null
        test - The test that failed (either an xpath expression or a general String)
      • getErrors

        public ArrayList<ValidationResultItem> getErrors()
        Returns the list of error items
        An ArrayList of ValidationResultItem objects
      • getWarnings

        public ArrayList<ValidationResultItem> getWarnings()
        Returns the list of warning items
        An ArrayList of ValidationResultItem objects
      • toJSON

        public org.json.simple.JSONObject toJSON()
        Serialize this ValidationResult to JSON
        the JSONObject representing this validation result
      • toJSONString

        public String toJSONString()
        Serialize this ValidationResult to JSON, and return the JSON as a String
        The String representation of the JSON for this validation result
      • toXMLString

        public String toXMLString()
                           throws net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException
        Serialize this ValidatonResult to XML, and return the XML as a String
        The String representation of the XML for this validation result