Class ConfigData


public class ConfigData extends Object
Configuration data class, for the several components of ion-docval
  • Field Details

    • autoReload

      public boolean autoReload
      If set to true, the ValidatorManager will automatically reload validation files when they have changed on disk
    • unknownKeywords

      public ConfigData.UnknownKeywords unknownKeywords
      If set to true, validation will not validate documents with an unknown keyword, but return 0 errors and a single warning
    • lazyLoad

      public boolean lazyLoad
      If set to true, validation files are not loaded until the first time they are accessed though cursory checks (existence, read access) are performed
    • server

      public ConfigData.Server server
      Validation server configuration
    • documentTypes

      public ArrayList<ConfigData.DocumentType> documentTypes
      The document types that are configured to be validated
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigData

      public ConfigData()
      Constructor for an empty ConfigData instance
  • Method Details

    • documentTypesAsJSON

      public org.json.simple.JSONObject documentTypesAsJSON()
      Serialize the document types configured in this ConfigData as a JSON object
      JSONObject containing the document types configured in this ConfigData instance
    • documentTypesAsJSONString

      public String documentTypesAsJSONString()
      Serialize the document types configured in this ConfigData as a JSON string
      String containing a JSON representation of the document types configured in this ConfigData instance
    • documentTypesAsXMLString

      public String documentTypesAsXMLString() throws net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException
      Serialize the document types configured in this ConfigData instance as an XML string
      String containing an XML representation of the document types configured in this ConfigData instance
      net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException - if there is an error constructing the XML data